Free File Synchronization Utilities


I've recently been looking at a number free File synchronization utilities. I'd previously used SyncToy from Microsoft. It worked well for me for a little while, but then I ended up loosing a number of files because it removed files that I didn't actually want to delete. The horror of loosing precious files made me … Read more

ActionScript 3 speed optimization

I've recently come across some good articles on Actionscript optimization, so I thought I'd share them with those of you who are Flash coders. If you want to make your code/animation run faster, then there's a good chance something here will help. This article talks about optimization in general, including a few non-code things: … Read more

Flash Actionscript Editor: Flex Builder vs. FlashDevelop

For doing complex development with Flash, it can help to have a more powerful Actionscript editor than the built in Flash CS3 editor. I’ve been testing Flex Builder and FlashDevelop, both of which can export both Flash or Flex (Flex is Flash with a library of components built for making web applications). Both seem to … Read more

Stick Figures in Blender using Processing

This is a nifty little application which is written in the Processing language, which allows you to draw stick figures and export them to Blender for animation. If you haven’t heard of Processing, it’s an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. You can check … Read more

Blender to Flash with Animation

Finally there is a way to get 3D into Flash, from Blender (or another program such as 3DsMax), with Animation! It’s a tool called Cast3D. Check out this: You can download the Papervision 3D component for Flash CS3 from here:    

Blender Magic – Fluid Demo

I thought this was a very cool demonstration of the fluid capabilities of Blender. It shows a "magician" character, who "magically" conjures the water into different shapes: You can find more info here: and here: Magic Fluid Control

Blender and Flash Tutorials

Here are some more Blender and Flash tutorials that you can get for free: They’re actually demos for the full tutorial (you have to pay for the full version). If you like the demo versions, then you might want to pay for the full version. I’d definately recomend checking them out. One thing I … Read more