Open Source Video Editor Comparison Review

I found this little comparison review of Open Source Video editing programs. The top three came out as KDENLIVE, OpenMovieEditor, and… Blender. Actually, the reviewer claims that those are the only ones he found really usable on Linux. I found it interesting that Blender was on the list, even though it’s primary purpose is 3D … Read more

Open Source vs. Commerical

While looking for an open source publishing tool (such as Adobe InDesign or Microsoft publisher), I came across this site which lists popular comercial software and it’s counterpart in the open source world: It seems that there are a lot of very powerful open source applications out there! Open source software can be great … Read more

Blender Classes Online

If you’re interested in learning 3D, specifically Blender, I came across this set of Tutorials that’s formatted in a "class" kind of way: It has videos broken down into different functions and tasks, so it makes it easier to find a specific thing that you’re trying to figure out how to do. Seems like a … Read more